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A Guide To Bad Credit Loans

A Guide To Bad Credit Loans

A Guide To Bad Credit Loans


Are you having trouble because your credit score is lower than it needs to be? Or looking for how to get bad credit loans?

Lenders look at different things like income and employment when you ask for a loan. Your credit score is very important in their decision, showing how well you pay back your debts.

A low credit score can feel like a barrier, even if you have a good income and job, making it hard to get a loan and making interest rates higher. Getting credit with a bad credit score is not easy, but it's not impossible.

If you stopped to read this because you found it surprising that a bad credit score does not eliminate you from getting a small loan, you’re in just the right place! In this blog, we will talk about how you can get certain types of loans regardless of a bad or low credit score. So, let’s get started shall we?

First Off, What Are Bad Credit Loans?

Bad credit loans are for people who have a credit report that's not very good, or who have no credit history at all. These loans usually have higher interest rates and more rules than other loans, because this helps lenders lower the chance of you not paying them back. But they can be helpful if you use them wisely.

It's important to know that you won't see companies saying they have 'bad credit loans' - this is just a normal, unofficial name for them.

What Is Bad Credit Score?

If you have "bad credit," companies will likely view your credit history negatively, making it more difficult for you to get a loan or use certain services. Sometimes having no credit history equates to having a low credit score.

For example, as a student or a stay-at-home-partner, you may not have a credit card or may have never had a chance to build up your credit score. You might not have a bank account or file taxes. You might have just moved to the UK and your credit history from a different country cannot be transferred here. So, you do not have a credit history that financial institutions can check before approving your loan application.

Keep in mind that every company uses a different set of standards to evaluate your credit history; some may view you more favourably than others.

How Can You Apply For Bad Credit Loans?

At Small Loans Ltd, the procedure is simple. Small loan applications are quite straightforward and quickly evaluated.

Right off the bat, we’ll need:

  • Your full name
  • Addresses you've lived at for the past 3 years
  • Your phone number
  • Details about your income and work (if you have a job)

Don't worry if you think your credit score isn't the best! We look at every application individually and make decisions based on your situation.

As long as you haven't gone bankrupt in the past 6 years, you're still eligible to apply for a loan with Small Loans Ltd.

Once you've applied, one of our friendly team members will call you within 48 hours (or 24 hours during weekdays) to let you know if your application is successful!

What Is A Doorstep Loan?

Doorstep loans, also known as home credit loans, are cash loans that don’t require collateral and are delivered ASAP.

These loans are typically for smaller amounts, and are easy to afford. They give you quick access to cash, when you need it.

In the United Kingdom, doorstep loans are becoming more popular because of their easy application process. All the necessary documents are collected right from your doorstep.

Can You Get A Doorstep Loan With A Bad Credit Score?

Absolutely! At Small Loans Ltd, applying for a loan is always a breeze, and the best part is that your credit history is not a concern!

If you’re in need of a cash loan, we’re here to assist you with a range of handy cash loans. Submit a loan application and enjoy manageable payments. Simply respond to a few of our questions and we’ll revert with a decision.

We boast high approval rates and zero hidden charges. As a doorstep lender, we are here to support you ASAP, when you need it most. You have the flexibility to distribute the cost over a period that suits you, with manageable repayments.

Get Small Term Loans From Small Loans Ltd!

Whatever the amount, our quick loans—which start at £200 for new borrowers and go up to £1000 for current borrowers—are made to provide quick access to money in times of need.

Small Loans Ltd is devoted to offering responsible lending to customers throughout the UK. Our easy online application ensures quickness and ease. We will review your application and respond to you with a loan decision within 48 hours of receiving your request!

We have given loans to many people over the years and are the first choice in the market when it comes to quick, personal loans. We care about responsible lending and have a no-hidden fees service.

So, contact us today or fill out an application here!